Polyurethanex 2025
Venue: Expocentre Fairgrounds
Address: 14 Krasnopresnenskaya naberezhnaya, Moscow Russia
Start Time: 2025/09/25 at 9:00 AMm
End Time: 2025/09/27 at 6:00 PM
About Exhibition
Polyurethanex is the unique international specialized exhibition event in Russia dedicated to polyurethane materials and equipment being a current reflection of achievements in sphere of materials technology, assisting exhibitors in establishing new business contacts and partner relations.
Website: http://www.polyurethanex.com/
Industry Scope
Polyurethanex is the unique international specialized exhibition event in Russia dedicated to polyurethane materials and equipment being a current reflection of achievements in sphere of materials technology, assisting exhibitors in establishing new business contacts and partner relations.
Mir Expo Exhibition Company